About Us

Sights & Sounds of Edison is owned and operated by Don and Bobbie Gfell. It’s a business that grew from their hobby of collecting anything Edison. Both Don and Bobbie grew up in Milan, Ohio the birthplace of the world’s greatest inventor, Thomas Alva Edison. Edison has been Don’s hero and hobby since grade school . The Gfells have been contributing members of MAPS (the Michigan Antique Phonograph Society), since its beginning over 25 years ago and also belong to some of its individual state chapters. They have been attending and setting up at most of the major phonograph shows in the United States over the last 35 years and have been honored with many awards for their phonograph hobby and outstanding Citizens of the Year in their Community.
The business is really a family operation also involving a son and son-in-law. In addition to extensive knowledge in phonograph collecting, the shop's expertise also includes repairing phonographs and horns, woodworking, model making, artistic design, inlay, engraving, and most importantly constructing wood horns.
They've been making them for about 25 years, currently make more than 25 different styles for all makes of machines, and are adding new styles all the time. All of the horns are custom made and everyone involved shares the same goal as Mr. Edison, “Quality”. Their horns appear in museums and many major collections throughout the world. The majority of buyers are repeat customers. Many collectors have 10 or more of these horns as part of their collections. The horns are prized because of careful wood selection, the shop's construction methods, and exceptional craftsmanship.
Sights & Sounds is proud to have 100% customer satisfaction in their long history and also have 100% satisfaction in their shipping experience. Just like the Edison Phonograph, their reputation speaks for itself.
You have two good reasons to come to Milan, Ohio. One is to visit the Edison Birthplace Museum where Don has served on the board for 25 years and the second is to visit Sights & Sounds of Edison, the wood horn capital of the world!